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With Tank sizes ranging from 120-Gallon to 1000-Gallon, our refurbishing process would go as follows:

Everything begins at the Vac down station! 

Staff members hook the tank up to the pump in order to get any excess propane that may be in the tank when it gets into the yard!  

Peter Vacuuming out a Tank to get ready for the Shot Blaster

Next the tank will be moved over into the blating room. 

Here is where the tanks are placed into our ShotKing Shot Blasters, where within ten minutes they are blasted completely down to the bare steel. 

This process removes all of the previous paint and rust that was on the tank in order to give us a fresh start for the new paint! 

Cruz Loading a tank into the Shot Blaster
Clean tank after being sent through Shot Blaster
Cruz unloding tank from Shot Blaster

Next, the tanks make their way over to the paint booth! 

Here they receive a new coat of our two-part polyurethane paint. 

Some tanks, depending on the company they are going to, will also be coated in a primer for extra protection is more coastal areas. 

Johnny painting fresh coat onto tanks!
Finishing up the top half of the tanks!

After the paint dries, the tanks are transferred to the revalve room. 

Here, all valves and gauges are replaced and inspected. 

We use all REGO valves for this! 

Blake and Ash installing new valves and gauge!
Making sure everything is tightened down properly!
Yard Worker Picking up tanks from the "done" stack for loading!
Tanks being loaded onto the truck, getting ready for Delivery

Once the tanks have been loaded up they are all ready for delivery! 

 As soon as the driver arrive safely at their destinations they are able to use the crane that is attached to the truck to safely unload the tanks. 

Fully Loaded truck ready to leave the yard!

Once the valves have been replaced, the tanks are then visually inspected, removed from the revalve room and ready to be loaded onto the truck. 

A truckload will always depend on the amount of tanks and the sizes the drivers are loading up! 

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